We’ve seen first-hand how issues with beer freshness can impact global brands, potentially damaging brand reputation and value. That’s why we developed the Beer Freshness Package; the only method of measuring how materials, process design and operations can damage or optimise beer freshness from brewhouse into packaging.


We believe sensory excellence is achieved when the analytical computing power of an optimised instrument is combined with the skill and knowledge of a trained tasting panel.

FlavorActiV trains and calibrate tasters the world over using GMP Flavour Standards combined with proprietary proficiency software in use by thousands every day. Combining these taste panel skills with the EPR capabilities of the Beer Freshness Package allows brand owners to predict their beer freshness far more accurately.

Through our Beer Freshness Package, we take beer quality testing to another level. We provide best-in-class flavour stability services that optimise shelf life with timely, accurate and actionable data.

Identify actionable areas for improvement throughout the brewing process with the Micro ESR and FlavorActiV's Beer Freshness Package.

We make beer stay fresher for longer

Identify actionable areas for improvement in the brewing process to ensure your beer stays fresher for longer. Enhancing flavour stability involves optimising the positives and minimising the negatives throughout the brewing process. Micro ESR is an integral tool to achieve this with its customised software providing rapid results.

The Micro ESR lag-time analyser provides a dedicated measure of the EPR oxidation profile of a beer. Measuring the oxidation staling of a beer that occurs during storage or via trace amounts of transition metals such as iron or copper that will catalyse the conversion of molecular oxygen to what are known as ‘reactive oxygen species (ROS). One such ROS is the hydroxyl free radicals. Beer derived from free radicals reacts further, creating a chain reaction that results in carbonyl end products such as aldehydes and ketone’s that give rise to ‘cardboard like’ flavour in the stale beer.

Antioxidants in beer help them to resist free radical oxidation and although oxidation is inevitable over time, it can be minimised by optimising brewing operations and storage conditions to provide maximum antioxidant content in packaged beer.

The EPR oxidation profile provides an analytical measure for evaluating the overall antioxidant status of a beer at each stage of the brewing process and provides a useful prediction of the shelf life of a finished beer before it goes through costly packaging and distribution. The Micro ESR is the perfect tool to achieve the enhanced shelf life of your beer and ensure that it stays fresher for longer.

Micro ESR boasts fully automated sample handling with up to 20 samples per analysis, unattended data acquisition, automatic lag time calculation and software that’s easy to use. In addition, on-site training is provided with performance optimisation and aligning of sensory and analytical functions.


FlavorActiV’s custom support package, ActiV Online, gives brewers an enhanced level of support whether they operate on one plant or several. A beer freshness package with ActiV Online will include:

› Micro ESR instrument supply + installation
› Supply of customised reagents package
› System performance testing
› On-site process application training
› Results related to brewing stages
› Sustained supply of reagents package
› Ongoing regional expert support
› Accurate technical measurement of ‘area under the curve’

› Accurate T150 and Lag Time measurement
› Sensory and analytics combined to give Beer Freshness Index
+ 48hr guaranteed response time
+ Online support by web chat, video chat or conferencing software
+ Issue resolution reporting
+ Advanced ‘remote access’ capabilities
+ Standard ‘hourly rate’ structure

Flexible Payment Solutions

We offer flexible payment options to suit your circumstances. So whether you’re looking to make a direct purchase, rent the instrument for a specific period, or lease with a purchase option over 12-24 months, we have affordable solutions to meet your budget requirements.

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