Meet FlavorActiV’s Sensory Panel



Meet FlavorActiV’s Sensory Panel

The Panel

At FlavorActiV, we understand that human sensory perception is complex and requires more than technology for accurate analyse. Our in-house trained Sensory Panel plays a significant role in conducting sensory evaluation sessions, developing training programs and assisting with FlavorForensic projects. Through our bi-monthly training sessions, our panelists not only enhance their knowledge of flavour but also develop the ability to detect and assess subtle differences in favour, aroma and texture – nuances that instruments might miss in isolation.

By fine tuning our sensory skills through on-going training, we are able to build the framework for global companies to provide data-driven, actionable insights. This can be crucial for anyone looking to refine their product offering and quality in a highly competitive market.

Panel Responsibility

The core responsibility for our sensory panel is to be able to assess and analyse flavours from multiple angles. Each panelist is trained to evaluate various components of flavour and how these flavours interact with other sensory aspects such as aroma and mouthfeel. The element of human analysis supports an overall evaluation and enhances the accuracy.

Our panel members undergo continuous training and calibration to keep their senses acuity sharp and their analytical skills finely tuned. This includes testing their ability with flavour identification and identifying faults with supporting explanation. Their expertise supports FlavorActiV’s ongoing mission to help individuals and quality panels not only understand not just the what, but the why behind a products flavour profile.

Reach out to work with our experienced sensory panel and enhance your product testing!


Strength in Diversity

One of the key strengths of our sensory panel is the diversity of its members. Our panel is composed of individuals from right across our business, from business support, to finance, all the way to marketing. The range of experienced and professional background means we are able to enhance flavour detection whilst reducing bias. By gathering data from different perspectives we are able to gain a more comprehensive representation of flavours and a unique approach to Sensory Evaluation.


Sensory training is an essential part of flavour analysis, especially when it comes to detecting subtleties and nuances that instruments might miss. Human senses, when trained properly, can discern between very fine differences in taste. This is where the expertise of our sensory panel can shine as we continue to provide Sensory Solutions for Global companies across the food and beverage industry.


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