World Brewing Congress / Minnesota



World Brewing Congress / Minnesota

Minneapolis Convention Center, August 17 – 20 2024

World Brewing Congress is a hallmark event in the brewing industry, bringing together experts, enthusiasts and innovators from around the world. This year, we are making a significant impact with our participation in delivering two poster sessions. Held every four years, the WBC is a melting pot of brewing science, technology and creativity. The event features presentations, workshops and exhibitions, offering a platform for industry leaders to share insights and advancements.

Navigating Global Challenges: A Focus on Sustainability 

This year, the congress will place its focus on sustainability, new brewing techniques and the ever-evolving sensory aspects of beer. Through our poster sessions, we will demonstrate how sensory precision can contribute to sustainable practices, minimising batch inconsistencies and reducing waste – allowing breweries to not only save resources, but also enhance their environmental footprint. With this focus on quality control, faults can be detected early, avoiding large-scale product recalls and waste, contributing to more sustainable production processes.

FlavorActiV: Leading the Way in Sensory Science

We will be presenting two poster sessions at World Brewing Congress 2024, immersing ourselves in the dynamic landscape of brewing and key challenges shaping the industry. You can read more about our poster abstracts by following the links below;

  • New Approach in Linking Human and Instruments Sensory in Beer Production
  • Presenting Author: Dr Boris Gadzov (Director of Global Sensory, FlavorActiV)
  • WBC Poster Location: P-081
  • Click here to read our poster abstract
  • Aroma Analysis with Electronic Nose Technology and PCA for Comparative Analysis of New Products Against Existing Marketplace
  • Presenting Author: Dr Katia Jorge (Americas Director, FlavorActiV)
  • WBC Poster Location: P-087
  • Click here to read our poster abstract 

JULY 2024


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