An Introduction to Wine Faults Tasting – Fully Booked

Introduction to Wine Faults Tasting with Marcia Waters MW and WSET

We are pleased to announce the latest of our advertised open courses; ‘An Introduction to Wine Faults Tasting’ with Marcia Waters MW and WSET, is now fully booked

The evening on May 9th seeks to enhance sensory skills with a unique session offering attendees the chance to experience some well-known wine faults and taints in wine.

Unravelling wine jargon including “corked”, “bretty” and ” volatile” to gain confidence in tasting, the session introduces some wine making basics but mostly concentrates on sensory skills.

Marcia Waters MW uses flavour standards from FlavorActiV to deliberately dose wines and show specific aromas and tastes. This technology allows the opportunity to gain objective and professional tasting skills.

Essential for professionals and wine judges.

Fascinating for all wine lovers.

We wish all those attending a fantastic evening!

April 25, 2017



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